- Do your head ache? 你头痛吗?
- Does your head ache ? 你头痛吗?
- Does your head ache? 你头痛吗?
- Does your head ache that much? 你的头就那么疼吗?
- Do your head and ears bother you? 你的头和耳朵有不舒服吗?
- Is that your head or did your neck explode? 那是你的脑袋还是你的脖子爆炸了?
- Be sober-minded. Don't lose your head. 清醒一点,不要头脑发昏。
- Mind you don't knock your head (on this low beam). 小心,别(让这根低梁)撞著头。
- Don't let all this praise turn your head. 不要让这些赞扬冲昏你的头脑。
- Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. 天花板很低,留神别碰头。
- Don't stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。
- It's not important; don't bother your head about it. 这没什么要紧,不要为它烦心了。
- I'm unhappy with the lazy way you do your homework. 我对你做作业的懒惰方式表示不满。
- When the head ache, all the body is the worse. 头脑疼痛,累及全身。
- It's your turn to sing now, so do your stuff. 现在轮到你唱了,露一手吧。
- He'll talk your head off if you give him a chance. 他一有机会就会对你说个没完。
- It made my head ache to count them. 三天前茶不多还有一百。
- Keep a civil tongue in your head! ie Don't speak rudely! 说话要文明有礼!
- You're to do your homework before you watch TV. 你应该做了功课再看电视。
- Stop bothering your head about it. 别再为这件事伤脑筋。